Saturday, April 16, 2011

Black Swan

Holy hell, a NEW movie?  Yes, I finally got around to seeing this and I had been looking forward to it for a long time.  I'm happy to say it didn't disappoint.

I've talked about this movie with several people and have come to the conclusion that it's the type of movie you either love or hate.  You can really lose yourself in it, or you can be totally put off by a lot of the content and just the progression in general. Luckily, the former was the case for me.

No matter what your stance on the movie is, it's undeniable that Natalie Portman did an incredible job.  What surprises me is her other recent choices of movie roles. She showed how varied and powerful she can be in Black Swan and then moved on to Your Highness?  What gives?

This movie demonstrates what happens when you don't have a firm grasp on your own life, when you allow obsession to run your world or allow your life to be dictated by those around you.  The lead character's descent into madness is eerie in how effortlessly it seems to happen.  By the end of the film, most of the content can be pretty much left up to personal interpretation, and I think that's an excellent way to present this movie.

Black Swan is a bold film and does an excellent job being exactly what it was trying to be.  Despite how much I like this movie, I don't know if I'd watch it again, it's really disturbing.  That said, this movie is going to be my very first...

Grade: A+

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