Saturday, April 16, 2011


I've seen this movie a total of twice now, but I barely remembered it the first time and after seeing it again I'm not sure why it faded from memory so easily, especially since it stars one of my favorite actors, Edward Norton.

This movie has a lot going for it, especially if you're a card player.  It does a great job of representing games and showing how you can become great at them, or be a total crook about it.

One of my main problems with this movie, and it's minor, is the final hand.  Without giving it just wouldn't have happened like that.  I'm sure most poker players would agree with me that the majority of the cards played in this movie felt like natural hands that could have happened.  The way the last one played out felt like two total amateurs playing against each other and it shouldn't have.

Also, the characters Worm (Edward Norton) and Jo just don't feel real to me.  I understand to an extent how someone could be that addicted to bad decisions or could be that addicted to being a bitch, respectively, but they just feel like that's all there is to their respective just didn't make a lot of sense to me.

Overall, this movie is great to watch and great for something on in the background to just jump into whenever.  It's not perfect by any means, but it's still pretty damn good.

Grade: B+

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