Monday, February 28, 2011


Being one of the most hyped movies over the last year or so, I came into Kick-Ass thinking it was going to be a sure A.  Unfortunately, this movie didn't live up to my expectations for a number of reasons.  Not a bad movie, but definitely not an A.

The premise is what really made me excited about this movie.  I think the idea of an every day person trying to make a difference in a unique way is a refreshing change to this insanely comic book super hero movie rage of late.  One thing that immediately put me off was that Nicolas Cage was casted in this movie.  In my opinion, Nick Cage is one of the worst actors in Hollywood...just plain terrible.

None of the characters in the movie really pulled me in as someone I should care about.  The lead was annoying for a good part of the movie, the love interest seemed completely fake, and the father/daughter duo were stupidly over the top (might have been what they were aiming for, but it just didn't do it for me).  The antagonists I liked though.  Considering this movie's budget, the special effects were not up to par at all. The CG blood was just awful, I mean terrible.  I'd be ashamed if I was the one who OK'd that.

With all of its shortcomings, the movie isn't terrible.  It's still fun to watch, but it doesn't bring much that your average action movie doesn't have.

The movie does have a lot of style, so I can see how people would be really into it, but personally, style alone isn't enough.  Just a regular average action movie with a little twist to me.

Grade: C+

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