Monday, February 28, 2011

Due Date

I had never planned on seeing this movie because I thought it looked bad right from the previews, but I now have a roommate with the worst taste in movies on the planet, and so I've seen this movie.

So the premise is pretty...ridiculous, really.  Basically they both get blacklisted from flying, but for some reason they don't take their luggage off the plane, so Zach drives Robert to L.A. to make it in time for the birth of his child.  Anyway whatever, the plot is boring.

Clearly Todd Phillips was still high from The Hangover, and as a result tried to make the same movie again.  The humor is identical, but the situations aren't as funny. Personally, I think Zach Galifianakis is being typecasted wrong and could be even funnier if he isn't always playing some retarded character, literally.

I've bashed this movie enough.  It certainly has its funny moments, but it just falls short of The Hangover in almost every way.  The only director that I can recall that has pulled off making movies follow such a similar style is Guy Ritchie, but he's a boss.

Anyway, its alright at best.  If you want to watch a Todd Phillips movie, stick with The Hangover or Old School but please not Due Date or Road Trip.

Grade: C-

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