Saturday, March 12, 2011

Get Him to the Greek's another movie I really didn't want to watch, but Cory insisted that I have to to let him redeem himself for Due Date. goes.

I had a biased opinion on Get Him to the Greek right off the bat because I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which the director makes a few references to throughout the movie...despite that movie not being funny) and I think Russel Brand is a talentless unfunny boob.  The best move the director made for this one was putting Jonah Hill front and center.  His line delivery makes not funny writing actually funny.

Anyway, this film was actually somewhat better than I had expected...however still not great.  It really takes a long time to get funny, there's way too much garbage material in the beginning of the movie.  Russel Brand was the exact same character he was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  Like, the exact same.  Jonah Hill plays the same role he plays in pretty much every movie, but he's always funny so it worked as usual.

The second half of the movie was way better than the first, especially if you ignore any of the romantic stuff.  All of the relationship-related material in this movie was not good at all, it was awkward and boring for the most part.

Basically, this movie is good for a few laughs, but there are way better comedies that follow a similar pattern to this one out there.  Superbad and Knocked Up come to mind, both have Jonah Hill.


Grade: C

Edit: Turns out this is a semi-sequel and Brand literally does play the same character. Explains that...

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