Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ah Rocky, a movie that everyone has probably at least seen bits and pieces of.  This style of movie has be redone countless times with different sports and just different styles in general as everyone loves that feel good style movie once in a while.  Rocky follows Rocky Balboa as he struggles with a lackluster life trying to make it as a fighter and is ultimately given a shot to fight the heavyweight champion.

Rocky is portrayed as basically an oaf that has nothing going for him whatsoever except for fighting, and that isn't paying the bills either.  He does work for a loan shark named Gazzo as a way to make ends meet despite being too kind to do some of the more dirty work requested of him.  He also visits Adrian, a worker at a pet shop, twice a day and tries to make her laugh and come out of her shell, mostly by telling extremely lame, yet cute in a way, jokes.  Adrian is also the sister of Rocky's friend Paulie, who is basically a bipolar alcoholic.

Rocky is an amateur in the movie and is expected to lose by a wide margin while still showing Apollo Creed's (the heavyweight champ) heart in allowing an amateur a shot.  As expected, the fight is not nearly as one-sided as expected.  Rocky's goal was to go the distance against the champ and show that he's not a bum.

With so many feel good movies out these days the question arises: Does Rocky stand the test of time for this genre?  My answer, mostly.  It's still a very intriguing movie that really makes you root for Rocky.  At the same time, there are other feel good flicks that are on par with or better than Rocky in my opinion; Slumdog Millionaire anyone?

Grade: B

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