Sunday, February 6, 2011

Romeo + Juliet

Ah Romeo + Juliet.  It takes some serious guts to try to modernize a Shakespearean masterpiece, but Baz Luhrmann did a great job...a surprisingly great job really.  This is also Leo's third appearance into my little blog here, but it's well earned as he is in my opinion one of the greatest actors in Hollywood today.

Right off the bat the movie throws you into a high-style battle between the Montague and Capulet boys.  The intro does an excellent job setting the tone for this movie, and gets the viewer ready for this over the top flick.  The vocabulary tries to stay archaic to be closer to the play, which can be hard to follow at times, but really fits the motif the movie was designed for.

The cinematography and design in this movie is incredible.  The casting was good as well, but you can see some signs of Leo being...well inexperienced, really.  A few scenes come off as forced, but maybe I'm just nitpicking here.  The soundtrack and audio in general leave nothing to be desired.

This movie is a refreshing way to look at one of Shakespeare's finest works, and keeps the visuals entertaining for a more modern, more easily bored audience.  Is this movie a masterpiece in itself?  No, but when you're in the mood for a stylish, tragic, and just flat out entertaining movie, check this one out.

Grade: B  

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