Friday, September 17, 2010

Funny People

I watched this movie completely out of boredom assuming I was in for a typical Adam Sandler film.  I had forgotten however that typical Adam Sandler now involves a bunch of drama and other junk mixed in with the funny.

Funny People on the surface is about a guy trying to make it in comedy despite all of the opposition, but as a deeper meaning that really I can only discern as everyone you know is a total lying douchebag at some point...which honestly isn't the vibe I expected or wanted from this movie.  

Rather than rant directly about this movie, I want to rant about comedy in general.  It's hard to find that old school basic plot with very little drama type comedy like in Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison.  Most of the comedy today either has some sort of crappy drama mixed in, or some sort of ridiculous gimmick.  Even Zombieland which I obviously think is totally great has the zombie gimmick which gives it a totally different feel than a Happy Gilmore style movie.  Bring back the old stuff!

Anyway, about Funny People.  I've really got to say this movie was bad. There's not a likeable character in the movie, and everyone screws over everyone else at some point.  The movie tries to end on a high note, but the characters were all so far gone that I just felt like everyone was an asshole and I don't really care if they're going to take another turn at becoming friends.

Screw this movie unless you really like mixing tragedy with comedy...a lot.  The only thing keeping this from a very low grade is that there are some pretty funny parts.

Grade: C-

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