So here's a newer film that people reading this might have actually seen for a change. 500 Days of Summer follows Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) as he pursues and later dates, or sees...or whatevers Summer (Zooey Deschanel). This film tries to take a more realistic look at love and its different meanings for different people, and as a result stands out among your traditional romance-based movies.
The style of the movie is non-linear and sort of jumps around the different 500 days to show contrast between how Tom and Summer feel about each other towards the beginning and towards the end. I actually really like this style for this type of movie because it so easily shows how one thing that you love originally can turn into something that almost torments you after a while.
Tom and Summer are played perfectly. The way they speak and act feel very real. It's pretty easy to recognize some real life friends as Toms or as Summers. All of the dialog is delivered very well by both the lead and supporting actors throughout the movie. For some reason the only thing I really didn't buy into was Tom being an architect...but maybe I'm the only one.
The only real complaint I have about the movie is the ending. I don't want to spoil anything, but I feel like it's not in Summer's character to do what she did in the end. At all. The area below this is a spoiler, highlight it to see my other complaint.
The happily ever after ending for Tom was horse shit too.
If romantic movies are you're thing, definitely don't miss this one. If you're on the fence, I'd also recommend it, but if you were skeptical about it at first or you really don't like the genre, you won't miss a masterpiece by skipping it.
Grade: B
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