I am hoping that by now most people have already seen this movie, so on that note I also hope most people agree with me that it is GREAT! It's been a long time since a movie has taken shots at the old B-grade horror movies and actually pulled it off (Shaun of the Dead comes to mind as the most recent). The only character I didn't really care about was Little Rock, but she was necessary so whatever.
The movie stars Jesse Eisenberg as Columbus, Woody Harrelson as Tallahassee, Emma Stone as Wichita, and Abigail Breslin as Little Rock. Jesse Eisenberg essentially plays a Michael Cera-type role, but I feel fits better for this movie than Cera would have for some reason. He's a skittish, over-analyzing nerd, but he's lovable and you really get on his side right from the start of the movie.
The movie is hilarious and also pretty gory, which go surprisingly well together! All of the characters in the movie play their parts pretty well, though I must say I don't understand why the two girls are so distrusting late in the movie...doesn't really make a lot of sense, but at the same time it really doesn't matter. The story in this movie is basically inconsequential.
There's not a whole lot to say about this movie other than it is a perfect popcorn movie to watch with friends or to have on in the background. It's exactly what it's supposed to be and doesn't drag on longer than necessary.
Grade: A
Oh by the way, I noticed there's a Zombieland 2 announced. Oh no.
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