Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Hurt Locker

I have to say I had very high expectations for this movie considering the ridiculous amount of awards it won, and I came away wondering if they had seen the same movie I had.

The movie follows a bomb squad in the Iraq war along their last 30 days of active duty.  The characters seem to have no depth in my opinion, everyone seems like the typical cookie cutter army types.  What sort of took me out of it was how reckless James is in the movie, it just doesn't seem to make any sense for him to act how he acts at certain....most of the points of the movie.

To keep this from being a total bash fest, I should mention that this is not a BAD movie, it just doesn't seem to be very original or unique in any way.  The story is enthralling and it keeps you entertained throughout the two hours of film.  Cosmetically, the movie looks and sounds great.

I don't have much to say about this one.  Personally, I'd just watch an episode of Generation Kill or Band of Brothers.  All things considered, it's an average war movie.

Grade: C+

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