Monday, August 2, 2010

Quantum of Solace

I chose to watch this movie under the assumption that it was the first one to star Daniel Craig as James Bond, completely forgetting about Casino Royale which is supposed to be the better movie, but what can ya do.

Quantum of Solace is your typical Bond film, extraordinarily gorgeous women, explosions, expensive cars, guns, the whole nine yards. The movie starts off with a high speed car chase (surprised?) and sets the tone for the movie pretty well. The movie follows the story of Bond chasing after Dominic Greene who is setting up an extensive plan to exploit both the United States and a man he intends to help rise to leadership of Bolivia.

Watching this film without watching Casino Royale caused some confusion for me as I didn't understand a few of the characters mentioned. That said, watch Casino Royale first or you're going to be a little lost too. All things considered, it doesn't really matter all that much because the story isn't exactly the heart of a Bond film. The story itself was not bad however.

Daniel Craig makes an excellent Bond, he keeps the perfect mix of cockiness and control that should be expected from James Bond. The acting in general is pretty good, but similar to The Boondock Saints II, the villain seems tame and there's no big one on one action scene to look forward to really. There are certainly enough explosions, gunshots, and sexual tension to keep any Bond fan intrigued.

All in all, I've seen better Bond films, but this one wasn't bad and I think it deserves a bit of a better rating than it is seeing on IMDb.

Grade: B

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