Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Boondock Saints

Oh man, one of the most popular college hits The Boondock Saints is cult classic through and through. This used to be my hands down favorite movie for years upon years. After taking a Boondock Saints break for a while (with the except of the god awful second film), I've finally revisited my old favorite. Does it still stand up?

In short, yes. Does that mean this is a good movie? Well, broken down to its parts no, no it definitely isn't. The Boondock Saints is a film that went way beyond the sum of its parts and is almost certainly the best mistake of a film I've ever seen.

So what do I mean? Well, I mean the directing shows plenty of signs of inexperience, the acting is average at best (albeit charming), and the writing is all over the place. So why do I like this movie then? The answer is simply that it just works. There's not much of another way to put it, The Boondock Saints fell together in a way that just could not have been planned. It has such a perfect charm, such a great way of delivering a story and delivering its jokes.

Troy Duffy comes off to me as an over confident amateur director that just managed to hit the lottery with this one. He even cast himself in a fairly major role (very Kevin Smith of him) which just seems silly. Everyone knows the story of the sequel's long (ten year) on and off production that is reminiscent of that of Duke Nukem: Forever, but really the sequel just shouldn't have been made...it shouldn't have even been considered.

The Boondock Saints is about as fun as movies can get. Don't watch this film like some sort of snooty film critic trying to pick it apart by its flaws because you'll break it down to the dust that it really is. The Boondock Saints is a cult classic monolith standing on a foundation of crackers and Elmer's glue. Thank you so much for this movie, Troy, but please for the love of everything holy never make another film. Ever.

Grade: A-

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